how did i get here?

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Hello friends! We have a double-header for you for episode 758! First up, Mike Molnar, Andrew Pacheco, and Chris Sensat from instrumental psychedelic country rock trio, Fausto Faustito and I have a great conversation. Their debut ep, Country Western, drops this Saturday, December 15th and they're celebrating with a release show that same night at Stay Gold here in Austin, TX. Go to for more info. Next up, Sheila V.A., Jason Garcia and Mike DeWitt from dreamy, jazzy pop band, Sheilava join me for a fantastic conversation. Their latest single, "Red Room" just dropped in October and their brilliant Christmas ep is available now. Go to for music, videos, show dates and more! I had a great time getting to know both of these great bands. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Hello friends! We have a double-header today! First up, I met Bede and Patch from Australian rock band, Castlecomer at Antone's here in Austin before their show a couple of weeks ago. Their self-titled, debut album is out now and they'll be on tour promoting it for a while to come. You can find Castlecomer at We have a great conversation about moving to The U.S. from Australia, touring in the U.S., being in a family band and much more! Next up, Mariclaire Glaeser and David Tenczar from Shy Beast return to the show! Their new ep, Leave Me/Let Me drops on Friday, November 30th but if you live in Austin, you can get it at their e.p. release show at Spider House on Saturday, November 24th. Go to for music, videos, show info and more. Shy Beast is Austin Music Foundation's Artist of the Month. We have a great conversation about making Leave Me/Let Me, new music video, their creative process and much more! Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Happy voting day! Engineer/producer/singer/songwriter/pop artist, Lindsey Kappa is my guest for episode 748! Her latest EP, You Don't Own Me is out now. She'll be playing this Sunday, November 11th for a fundraiser for OutYouthBenefit Foundation at Cheer Up Charlie's here in Austin. Go to for music, show dates and more! Lindsey and I have a great conversation about starting out on flute in band then moving on to solo acoustic artist, recording school, the magic of the keytar, helping the LBGTQ community and much more! I had a great time getting to know Lindsey. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Hello friends! Sarah Dossey from Austin dreampop band, DOSSEY is my guest for episode 731! DOSSEY's dreamy new single, "Plastic Diamonds" is out now and they'll be at The Mohawk in Austin, TX on Friday September, 21st. Go to for music, shows, videos and more! Sarah came over last week with occasional DOSSEY member, Mariclaire Glaeser from Shy Beast and we had a great conversation about anthemic 80's jams, playing banjo Indian & the Jones, songwriting collaborations, faith and much more! I had a great time getting to know Sarah. I'm sure you will too. Plus, Miami hip-hop band, ¡MAYDAY! checks in via SKYPE! Their brilliant new album, the reggae flavored, South Of 5th is out now. They'll be on tour through the middle of November and they'll be in Austin This Saturday, September 15th at Flamingo Cantina. Go to for tour dates, music videos and more! Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Hello gang! Singer/songwriter/blogger/guitarist/content creator, Jana Pochop is my guest for episode 714! Her latest project, Onetwothreescream a collaboration with producer, Mark Addison, has just released their debut EP, Lit! Described as, "Pop music with smart words for these weird times we live in. It's okay to scream.", the thoughtful and pop laiden Lit is available where ever you stream or download music. You can find Onetwothreescream at and go to for tourdates, music, blog entries, "Social Thinkery" and more. Jana and I have a great conversation about discovering music through Mary Chapin Carpenter & Shawn Colvin as a kid, pop music, how the song "Money & Heart" kickstarted Onetwothreescream, making Lit, streaming vs. downloading, her e-book about the social media in the music business and much more! I had a great time getting to know Jana. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! - JG

Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Hello friends! My dear old friend, musician/producer/songwriter, Mark Addison is my guest for episode 712! Mark's latest musical venture, Onetwothreescream, a collaboration with singer/songwriter, Jana Pochop is dropping their debut EP, Lit this Friday, July 13th. You can find the band at You might know Mark from his bands, The Borrowers and Kitty Gordon, or from the songs he's written that have been covered by Joan Baez, Gene Simmons, Cher and more. You might also know him as the prolific producer who's worked with Bob Schneider, Ian Moore, Wendy Colonna, Jess Klein, Mundy and many more. You can find out his whole discography at Mark and I met up at Space Rehearsal and Recording last week and chatted about his work with Black Fret, working with Jana Pochop on Onetwothreescream, coming of age in Cleveland, his time in Los Angeles, moving to Austin, Tips Concert series and much more! I had a great time catching with with my old friend and collaborator. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Hello gang! I have a double-header for you guys today! First up, I have a SKYPE conversation with actress/musician, Emily Kinney! Emily's new album, the pop flavored, Oh Jonathan comes out on August 24th and is available for pre-order now. You might know Emily as Beth Greene from four seasons on AMC's "The Walking Dead" or as Nora from Showtime's "Masters Of Sex" and many other shows. We have a great conversation about walking the line between actor and musician, her new album, Oh Jonathan, her new Netflix series "Messiah" premiering in 2019 her videos and much more! You can get involved with all things Emily Kinney by going to
Next up is jounalist turned singer/songwriter, Nichole Wagner! Her debut full-length album, the relationship driven, And The Sky Caught Fire drops next Friday, July 13th where ever you stream or download your jams. She will be celebrating with a release show at The Townsend here in Austin on Saturday, July 14th. Go to for music, videos, tour dates and more. We have a great conversation about her journey from Colorado to Arizona State University, getting a degree in journalism, interviewing and reviewing artists, going from music journalist to singer/songwriter, open mics, Folk Alliance and much more! I had a great time getting to know Nichole and Emily. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Hello friends! The lovely and talented pop artist, Barbie De Facto is my guest for episode 705! Barbie's debut EP comes out saturday, June 23rd and she's celebrating with an EP release show at The Townsend here in Austin that same night. Go to for more info on Barbie and her release show. We have a great conversation about growing up in the church, leaving home at 17 to pursue Pop Stardom in Arizona, being a karaoke host in Miami, making her debut EP, staying true to yourself and your dreams and much more! I had a great tme getting to know Barbie. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Hello friends! Songwriter/producer/one-man-band/multimedia artist, Mobley is my guest for episode 691! His brand new album, the amazing, Fresh Lies, Vol. I is out TODAY Friday, April 27th! He'll be celebrating with an instore at Waterloo Recrods in Austin today (Fri. 4/27) at 5pm. Mobley heads out on tour of The U.S. next week with some stops in Mexico from May 3rd - July 19th. Go to for music, tourdates, videos and much more. We have a great conversation about growing up all over the world with his father in the Marines, his relationship with America, being a completely self-contained artist, making Fresh Lies, Vol. I a couple of times and throwing it out until it was right and much more! I had a great time getting to know this talented and thoughtful artist. I'm sure you will too. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Hello friends! Traverse City, Michigan's own Sony Masterworks recording artists, The Accidentals return to the show today! Their latest album, the amazing and fully-realized, Odyssey is out now and they're currently out on tour supporting it. See them on April 24th at The Mill in Iowa City, Iowa, April 25th at Knuckle Head's Saloon in Kansas City, MO and more. Go to for more tour info, music, videos and more. Katie, Sav and Michael stopped by the apartment while they were in town for SXSW 2018 and we had a great conversation about making Odyssey, what they've been up to for the last two years since they were last on the show and much, much more! I always have a blast talking to these lovely kids. Plus, Ty Richards stops by to talk about his sophomore album, the amazing, Welcome To Flat Earth and his release show this Friday 4/20 at Mosaic Sound Collective. Go to for show and ticket information. Enjoy my conversations with these great artists. I sure did. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG