how did i get here?



Tuesday Feb 13, 2018

Hello friends! Multiple Austin Music Award winner, one of Austin's most prolific artists/performers/producers and one of my very best friends, A.J. Vallejo returns to the show for episode 669! You know A.J. from his many bands, Vallejo, Love & Chaos, Southtown and many, many more, but A.J. is releasing his FIRST solo album Love Songs For Dummies tomorrow, Wednesday, February 14th! Go to for videos info and tourdates. The album is entirely written, produced, recorded and performed by A.J. and as you'll find out in our conversation, only the first in a series of releases this year. We have a great talk about making Love Songs For Dummies, how it's a journal of his releationships for the last ten years, keeping all of his musical projects running and much, much more. I love A.J. and I'm so proud of him for releasing this great album. I can't wait to see what else he has up his sleeve. Let's get down!
Ciao! -JG

Friday Jan 20, 2017

Hello friends! Well, it's today. This strange day we've all been anxious about. Wether you're excited about this president or bummed, there's still an odd level of anxiety about all of this change. A lot of people in my circle are gong to be marching against this guy in Austin tomorrow. I'm not. I really don't think that's gonna do much for anyone except make you feel like you marched and no one outside of your fellow marchers cared about your march. That's just me. I just hope we can all find a way to get along and I hope this guy isn't as bad as he's making it seem he'll be. Good luck to all of us. 
My guest for episode 560 is "Honky Tonk Heaven: The Legend of the Broken Spoke" co-director, Brenda Greene Mitchell! This brilliant documentary tells the story of the legendary Texas honky tonk, The Broken Spoke here in Austin. The story is told through charismatic and tenacious owners, James and Annetta White and includes interviews with such legends as, Willie Nelson, Jerry Jeff Walker, Jesse Dayton and more! I've had the pleasure of knowing Brenda since I was 11 or 12. She has always been passionate about music and has owned clubs, promoted shows and benefits. The movie is brilliant and touching and you can find it at I hope you enjoy my conversation with my dear, old friend, Brenda. I sure did. Let's get down!
ciao! -jg

Episode 542: Tahoma

Friday Nov 18, 2016

Friday Nov 18, 2016

Hello friends! I hope you're all doing well. Maybe you're getting your Thanksgiving plans together. I'm playing this weekend with SKYROCKET!, but I wanted to tell you about a special benefit show going on this Sunday, November 20th at The One-2-One Bar here in Austin. A dear friend and beloved musician in the Austin scene, Natalie Zoe, has been diagnosed with breast cancer and she's currently undergoing treatment. So, this Sunday, Novemeber 20th from 3-8 pm, there's a benefit for Natalie at the One-2-One Bar with music from Van Wilkes, AJ Vallejo, Malford Milligan, Extreme Heat and more! Come out and support Natalie! More info HERE
My guest for episode 542 are Austin Americana artists, Tahoma! Their new album, Hide Away is out now. If you're listening to this show the day it comes out, they'll be playing tonight, Friday November 18th at The Shrine Mosque in Springfield, MO. You can find out when they're coming to a town near you by going to Brandon, Sarah and Vinnie stopped by a couple of weeks ago and we had a fantastic conversation about making Hide Away, surviving their first U.S. tour, making videos and much, much more! I hope you enjoy our conversation. I sure did. Let's get down!

Friday Mar 04, 2016

hello friends! i hope life is treating you well. news is pouring in about the president and the first lady being the keynote speakers at sxsw this year. that's pretty exciting for austin. it makes me think what those motorcades will do to enhance the over-the-top sxsw traffic. honestly, i think it's cool that they're coming. i'm finalizing my sxsw schedule... i'm doing some podcasts, hosting a SIMS showcase at the san jose' with awesome bands like, sweet spirit, ian moore and the lossy coils, the bluebonnets and more and i'm doing shows out of town with skyrocket. i'm looking forward to a week of madness. speaking of madness, if you live in austin and you're looking for a way to extend your "sunday funday", rev. merrill wade from st. matthews episcopal church has started "soul of a musician series", at the iron cactus north. rev. wade stopped by to tell us what it's all about. if you'd like to find out more about it go to soul of a musician series on facebook.
my guest for episode 469 is filmmaker/photographer/musician, joe salinas! joe has been on the show again to chat about his latest project, a documentary about the legendary punk band, the big boys, called "you can color outside the lines". he's ben traveling all over the country talking to punk legends, rock stars and other raconteurs about the effect of the big boys in punk music. you can find joe's work at i had a great time catching up with joe about his adventures. i'm sure you will too. let's get down!
ciao! -jg 

Episode 450: Paco Estrada

Tuesday Dec 29, 2015

Tuesday Dec 29, 2015

hello friends! i hope this episode finds you well. it's the last week of he year. are you okay with this year? did you have a good one? i think i had a good one. things are going well. i'm healthy and happy and in love. did you have a good christmas? i had a good one. no matter how weird it got, i was still surrounded by my loving family and i wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. my guest for episode 450 is talented and beloved singer/songwriter/bandleader, paco estrada! paco and i have been trying to get together for a podcast since i started the show. well, we finally did it! i went out to orb recording studios a few weeks ago, tucked away in one of their gorgeous cutting rooms and had this great conversation. we talk about growing up a preacher's son, learning songs for dual cassette recordings, making e-books along with records, his newest album, bedtime stories, the uncertainty of labels and managers, the two corys and much, much more! i hope you enjoy getting to know paco as much as i did. let's get down! ciao! -jg

Friday Jul 31, 2015

hello friends! welcome to episode 400 recorded live at the townsend in austin, tx. my guests for this show are suzanna choffel, justin elliott, nakia, a.j. vallejo and jazz mills! i would like to thank all of my guests, the townsend for hosting us so graciously, the werd company for coming out and recording it so beautifully and most of all the crowd that came out and made it so fun. this is a great show! we talk about periscope, amazing cocktails including one called, "how did i get here?", aj asks me to smell his finger, french trips, more cocktails and much, much more. i hope you enjoy it as much as we did. thank you for listening to this show. i feel like the last 400 episodes have been life-changing for me. i can't wait to see what the next 400 episodes hold. thanks again for listening. it makes me happy. let's get down!ciao! -jg

Friday Jun 19, 2015

hello friends! i hope this episode finds you slaying the dragons of life. i'm doing well. i'm running around, doing laundry, getting this show together before i leave to corpus christi to play with skyrocket tonight. i'm hustling back tomorrow to make it back in time to cover the solstice festival going on here in austin tomorrow, sat. june 20th at pan-am park from noon to 10 pm. a lot of great artists on the bill including, ringo deathstarr, jazz mills, money chicha, zeale, dead love club and more! find out all about it at . my guests for episode 388 are the incredibly dreamy, electro-instrumental band, tapes! i came across these guys about a month ago and freaked out. they're a new band that just released two gorgeous albums. they're both available on itunes, spotify, soundcloud and of course, bandcamp go HERE to hear and buy these amazing albums! i got to see the band on friday and it was amazing. they make the most beautiful music. anyway, carlos and sergio came by the other night and w had a great chat about growing up in laredo, crazy high school bands, film school, forming tapes, you get a free lesson in spanglish, a peek into how they're gonna make their next record and much, much more. i hope you enjoy getting to know these guys and their music. i sure did. plus, dean wolfe from texas music water and american music water stops by again and tells us how we can support our community through music non-profits like SIMS, HAAM and more by just drinking water find out more at and "you hydrate. we donate" let's get down!ciao! -jg

Friday Jan 02, 2015

happy new year friends!!! i hope you're all ready for it. i'm not. i am sick. i have some chest thing. it's awful and when i cough it's gross. i had a good NYE playing with skyrocket in houston. we had a great show and we played, "bohemian rhapsody".... in it's entirety. i think it went well. it was a lot of work for us, but we did it. i'm glad we have the weekend off so i can get better... happy new year! let's do some crazy shit in 2015!my guests for episode 339 are los angeles/austin based blues rock duo, bang feather bang! esther and chili stopped by a couple of weeks ago before chili headed back home to australia and they took a little break. they've been a band for only a year. during that year esther discovered a tumor in her chest, has been treated for cancer all year and had a collapsed lung. all the while, writing songs, developing a sound, touring, recording and being a non-stop bad ass. i had a great time talking to esther and chili, they're great people and they've started something really cool and just run with it. it's raw and it's powerful. i really enjoyed getting to know bang feather bang. i'm sure you will too. let's get down!ciao! -jg

Friday Oct 10, 2014

hello friends! this episode is coming to you robotically. i don't trust hotel internet to be strong enough to upload my podcasts, so i did this a few days ago before i left town to play some fly-out shows. wednesday, i went to scottsdale arizona for a show and yesterday flew to houston for a show. when you're listening to this, i'm probably on my way back to austin with SKYROCKET!. see, we flew out of austin to scottsdale and played a show on rented gear. then thursday, while we flew to houston, our crew dudes drove our gear from austin to houston. now it's friday, we're heading home. our cars are at the airport and we don't have a gig tonight. we'll be playing the one-2-one bar here in austin tomorrow, sat, oct 11th, for an acl after party. come out and join the lunatics. :)my guests for episode 316 are two hilarious comics here in austin, avery moore and ryan cownie!!! i saw them both a few weeks ago at a charlie hodge show at cap city and i invited them down to chat. ryan was on a couple of years ago after i first saw him and i've since seen and hung out with him a lot. he's one of my favorite comics in this scene. the hodge show was the first time i ever saw avery but man she is sooo funny. anyway, they came over a couple of weeks ago on a sunday, we dranks some beers and shot the shit. here it is. my conversation with the very funny avery moore and ryan cownie! let's get down!ciao! -jg

Tuesday Sep 16, 2014

hello friends! i hope you all had a great weekend and you'e feeling good about everything. i'm doing well. i played all weekend. i played on friday and saturday with skyrocket and sunday with john bush and his group of awesome musicians including penny jo pullus, john nelson, glenn mcgregor, landis armstrong, brad houser and seth orrell. great times! i love playing at the one-2-one bar. i'm actually playing there this friday september 19th with skyrocket. come out and rock out with us in this sweet south austin guests for episode 309 are two of my favorite funny men and best pals, charlie hodge and lucas molandes! charlie is hosting a big comedy show tonight at cap city. we talk all about it on the show. anyway, i hang out with thee guys a lot and we do podcast stuff together, so this show is more of just funny dudes hanging out and making each other laugh. i think we need this kind of episode every once in a while. this crazy conversations covers online dating, "i am cumin and i need to be loved", grocery stores, johnny's bagging pet peeves, lucas' sister is super-catholic, charlie wants to start a brick and mortar dating place called "cumin space" and much more insanity. i absolutely love these dudes and i love hanging out with them. i hope you love hanging out with us. let's get down!ciao! -jg

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