how did i get here?



Tuesday Jun 11, 2013

hello my friends! i hope you're all doing well and your life is going along as planned. i had a little wrinkle in my plan this weekend... skyrocket has a slow june so i booked 3 sunday brunch gigs that paid pretty well. check out the story on today's show. i want to remind you that next wednesday, june 19th at 7pm at strange brew in austin, texas, we have a live "how did i get here?" recording!!!! my guests will be nakia, jazz mills, aj vallejo and the boxing lesson (who's latest album was produced by today's guest,  frenchie smith).  there is no cover! we'll be giving away some gifts! and... the we'll be taking some questions from the audience. come out. let's get down!
my guest for episode 179 is producer/guitar hero, chris "frenchie" smith! you might know frenchie from the bands he's been in, sixteen deluxe and you heart attack. you might also know him from one of the 200 albums he's produced including, and you will now us by the trail of dead, the toadies, the meat puppets, built to spill, jet and many, many more. i've been friends with frenchie since 1991 when were both employees at whole foods, so it was great to sit down and talk to him about everything including growing up in oklahoma, moving to austin, glaze, producing, sixteen deluxe, young heart attack,the bubble, frenchie smith records, shopping with justin from the darkness and much, much more. i had a great time catching up with him. i bet you will too.
ciao! -jg

Episode 177: Jonas Wilson

Tuesday Jun 04, 2013

Tuesday Jun 04, 2013

hola amigos! i hope you are all enjoying this first week of summer! i am. i've gone swimming, i'm working on my summer 2013 playlist, i've chosen my summer jam ("get lucky" by daft punk), planning a family week at the beach and i'm buying my new bathing suit this week. aahhhh... summertime. where are you at with your summer prep? is your playlist together? are you ready for this shit or what? let me know what your summer jam is. let me know on our "how did i get here?"  facebook page or tweet it at me @johnnygoudie .
we have a special live podcast coming up wednesday, june 19th at 7pm at strange brew in austin, tx. guests will be, nakia, jazz mills, aj vallejo and the boxing lesson! if you're in austin, come out and join on the fun! here's a link to the event page
my guest for episode 177 is producer/engineer/musician/singer/songwriter, jonas wilson! i've known jonas since he was a teenager. we've played together, made an album together and spent a christmas together. he's a great guy and he's got a great story... starting out as a teenage blues player, getting out of being a teenage blues singer, building studios, his many bands, losing a studio in the bastrop fires of 2011 and rebuilding, making his first solo album under the name, the plastic habit and much more. i hope you enjoy our conversation. i did.

Episode 165: Corey Baum

Tuesday Apr 23, 2013

Tuesday Apr 23, 2013

live podcast monday, may 13th 7pm at the saxon pub in austin, tx with guests, edison chair & david cotton!!!
hello friends!!!! summer is coming. pools are starting to sparkle with that inviting sparkle they have. i'm looking forward to it. i picked up my badge for the moontower comedy festival today. i'm only going to be able to go for two of the four days, but i'm going to get see everyone i want to see. i'm looking forward to that. if you're in austin this friday, april 26th, SKYROCKET! will be playing at cedar street courtyard. we play at 9:30. oh! while i'm promoting shows, i'm playing a solo acoustic show at the saxon pub in austin, tx on monday, may 6th at 7 pm opening for bob schneider. okay... enough promo.
my guest for episode 165 is singer/songwriter corey baum. corey moved to austin a few years ago from bowling green, ohio. i met him when he was bar tending at momo's and i had a residency there. we always got along well. then i heard his music and i was blown away. he has such a great depth and sense of humor in his songs. anyway, one of his bands, dumb, just released a cassette (yes. i said cassette), he plays a show every tuesday at the clive bar, he's about to head out on tour with leo rondeau this summer and he's getting buff from landscaping. i hope you enjoy our conversation. i did.
ciao! -jg

Episode 158: Carl Thiel

Friday Mar 29, 2013

Friday Mar 29, 2013

hello my friends! how are you? have you had a good week? i have. it's been mellow. making a lot of music and doing some interviews. i've got a lot of good interviews coming up for you. will knaak, paula nelson, danny crooks and robyn ludwick are all coming up in the next couple of weeks. i'm getting my shit together to go play with SKYROCKET! tonight. i haven't played with them in three weeks. i miss them and i sure could use the money. what are you up to this weekend? tweet at me. i'm @johnnygoudie on twitter. oh on this episode i read some facebook comments and tweets. what's up?
my guest for episode 158 is extremely accomplished producer/composer, carl thiel. i've known carl for a long time and i've had the pleasure of working with him a couple of times and hanging out with him. he's a great guy and i just found out that he became a u.s. citizen today. congratulations carl!!! so, over a month ago,  carl came by the apartment and we got to sit down and talk about growing up in mexico, film school, making four-track music for commercials, producing records for bob schneider and many other musical luminaries, making music with/for robert rodriguez films, making films and much, much more. i hope you enjoy our conversation. i did.
ciao! -jg

Episode 144: Dye4

Friday Feb 08, 2013

Friday Feb 08, 2013

"i bring the ruckus!"
hello friends and foes alike! i hope you are all doing well. i'm good. i ended my self-imposed exile this week by going out for three nights in a row! i saw two music shows and last night, i saw comedian jb smoove from "curb your enthusiasm". he was amazingly funny. he did a two-hour set. i'm sore from laughing so much. also, i saw brooklyn's black taxi on the first night of their month-long austin residency. great show! if you live in austin, go to the parish one of these wednesdays and see them for yourself. you won't be disappointed. also, if you live in austin, i'll be playing a show tomorrow (saturday, febraury 9th 2013) at strange brew. i'll be opening for tony scalzo from fastball. come out. say hi.
my guest for episode 144 is the incredibly cool, chris dye from the band, dye4. for starters, i thought chris was a different chris dye. i know. weird. turns out, he has amazing songs and a truly fascinating story. we have a lot of the same influences and he is a super-nice guy. we talk about growing up in california, the punk scene, hollywood, crashing and burning on drugs and moving to austin and making an incredible album and building log cabins. seriously! join me as i get to know chris dye.
ciao! -jg

Episode 142: Exit

Friday Feb 01, 2013

Friday Feb 01, 2013

my self-imposed exile has ended. i think.
hello natural and unnatural beauties! how are you? i hope this podcast finds you happy and healthy and (relatively) mentally sane. the big news today is, our podcast has had it's biggest month yet!!!! january 2013 was our biggest month! most downloads, site visits and plays so far! THANK YOU!!!! please keep listening. without you, i'm nothing. if you haven't subscribed on itunes, please do and while you're there, give us a rating and leave a comment. it really helps! do it!!!!
we've been getting a steady stream of response lately, so keep those tweets and emails coming. i'll keep reading them on the show. oh! one more thing, i'll be playing a solo acoustic show in houston this saturday, february 2nd at anderson fair. here's a link to the facebook event... i will also be playing a solo show in austin on saturday, february 9th at strange brew. i'll be opening for tony scalzo from fastball. here's a link to the facebook event for that show... so come out and let me entertain you live and in person!
our guest for episode 142 is benjamin londa from the band, exit. they have a new album coming out next week (feb 5 2013) called, the blind alley i've heard some of it and it's really great. i was glad that ben could come by and chat with me about his trip, the band and the new album. i really enjoyed our conversation. i hope you do too.
ciao! -jg

Episode 113: Oh Look Out

Saturday Oct 20, 2012

Saturday Oct 20, 2012

lo-fi jedi!
hello everyone! i hope you're well. i just got in from washington d.c... a quick one-day trip. i went up with skyrocket! to play a benefit. it was a great time. we had a good show and i walked around on thursday when we got there and the next day, i went running all around the white house and the national mall. i had a great time doing that. i also realized as i was running, that i don't cook enough. i live by myself and it's hard to motivate to cook for just yourself, but i'm going to do it. i need to eat healthier and i need to be a better cook. so, here we go. next week, i'm going to get all the right pots, pans, spices and knives to cook and start picking out recipes... maybe a couple a week. do you know any good recipes? send them to me. thanks!
my guest for episode 113 ishome-recording lo-fi-jedi,  jp pfertner, also known as, oh look out. there's a group of folks i know that grew up recording and writing on four-track cassette machines. jp is one of those guys. so am i! so, we had a lot to talk about.... from learning four-track and music to playing with bands to starting built by snow, becoming a father, making his own video (which is absolutely brilliant) and making his latest album, "orchestral fuzz". you can find out more about oh look out at you can watch his video for "monster fiction" which is amazing! i hope you enjoy our conversation. i did.
ciao! -jg

Episode 403: Ocean Of Stars

Thursday Jan 01, 1970

Thursday Jan 01, 1970

hello friends! i hope you're all braving the extreme heat that is upon us. i'm doing well. just working on some music, booking a live podcast for sept. 9th (details coming soon), prepping for 3 podcasts i'm doing tomorrow etc. so, i listened to the american top 50 chart on spotify this morning while i was running. i probably heard about 15 to 20 songs on shuffle. i wasn't very moved by anything which made me kind of sad. then i realized that there is so much non-mainstream music out there, so much of it comes through this show. i'm really lucky to be in the position to have so much music coming through and getting turned on to so much stuff. it gives me hope. go find some new music. it feels guest for episode 403 is ocean of stars leader, danny grochow! this is danny's second time on the show. he was on a couple of years ago talking about some solo material he was releasing and now he's back with with a new e.p. from his band, ocean of stars. danny is a great guy who is out there playing bass and guitar as a sideman but still makes the time to write, record and perform his original instrumental-prog-rock. we have a great conversation about four track cassette recording, the rpm challenge, finding musicians, writing complex instrumental music, answering want ads and much, much more. i i hope you enjoy our conversation. i sure did. let's get down!ciao! -jg

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