how did i get here?



Wednesday Jan 16, 2013

can i borrow your towel?
hello my people! welcome to another episode of "how did i get here?".  i'd like to thank all of the folks that came out to the SKYROCKET! show last friday in pflugerville. we had a great time! i talked to a couple of fans of the podcast. thanks for saying hi and listening to the show. on that note, thanks to everyone who's been writing in and tweeting me about the show. i really appreciate it. on this episode i read some emails and tweets. keep 'em coming and i'll keep reading them!
my guest for episode 137 is actor, dana wheeler-nicholson. you might know dana as the chevy chase's love interest in "fletch", the movie, "tombstone", one of jerry's girlfriends on "seinfeld",  "friday night lights" and much, much more. i reached out to dana through my friend, todd wolfson and it tuns out, she's heard the show and was down for a podcast. she came to the apartment and we talked about her beginnings in new york city, her first audition with paul newman, moving to l.a., fletch, the movies and changes that followed. i had a great time getting to know this soulful woman. i know you will too. enjoy! ciao!-jg

Friday Jan 11, 2013

tempurpedic bed covers are fucking rad!
hello my friends! i hope you're in good shape today. i am. i got a wonderful present from the u.p.s. yesterday... a tempurpedic mattress cover pad thing... what are they called?!?! anyway, my ex-stepmom, coni had one on the bed i slept on while i was visiting in miami and i guess i was open about my love for it. so she got me one. let me tell you, they're great! if a whole tempurpedic mattress is out of your price-range, this is just as good. thank you coni! i sleep like a king!
my guest for episode 136 is the amazingly talented and incredibly cool, jazz mills. i've known and been around jazz for the last couple of years, but never really got the chance to sit down and talk. well, we took care of that. jazz came by yesterday and we talked about everything from her humble beginnings in san angelo, tx, her folk-singing mother and artistic father, wanting to be a super hero, moving to austin, playing music, from back-up singer in a funk band to co-founding the band, cowboy & indian and her other musical endeavors, motherhood and her solo album. all the while maintaining a level-head. i found out that i love jazz mills. after this conversation, you will too.
ciao! -jg

Episode 103: Wild Child

Friday Sep 14, 2012

Friday Sep 14, 2012

hey everyone! i hope life is good wherever you are whenever it is and all that stuff. i'm playing the songwriting game with my friends and i have a title, the song is due today, i'm leaving town in a few hours and i have NOTHING. i was hoping it would kickstart the prolific songwriter inside me... let's see. i'll keep you abreast of this situation. i would love to play my new song at flipnotics this saturday, september 15th. i'm playing a songwriter in the round with some guys that have been on the podcast and someone i've never met. if you're in austin, come out here's the info while i'm selling my  shows... if you live in new york, i will be there next thursday, september 20th at zirzamin. i play around 9:30. joseph king will be on the bill as well. here's the info on that. if you live in new york, i would love to see you at this show.
my guests for episode 103 are the super-talented and extremely entertaining, wild child. wild child is a band based on a duo. alexander and kelsey are musical soul mates, writing and performing together has strengthened their bond. they've released one album that shows their charm and knack for great and adorable songs. ben kweller has signed on as producer for their 2nd album, they'll be playing acl and i promise, you'll be hearing a lot about these two painfully talented rascals. i want to play bass in their band. i hope you enjoy our conversation as much as i did.
ciao! -jg

Friday Aug 24, 2012

the juice!
don't forget to vote for "how did i get here?" for best podcast in the best of austin 2012 austin chronicle readers poll!
hello everyone! i hope you're taking summer's denouement in stride. i'm definitely feeling some "end of summer sadness". one way to get rid of the summer blues is to come see me and my friend joseph king play at the volstead lounge this sunday, august 26th. the volstead lounge is located at 1500 e. 6th st in austin texas. the show starts at 9. i'll play a set, joseph will play a set and then we'll play a set together. so come out to the volstead lounge on sunday and celebrate summer's end with the johnny and joseph show!
my guest for episode 97 is my old friend, actor/writer, karl anderson. i hadn't seen karl in a few months, when out of the blue i saw his face pop up in front of me at a gig last week. i was so surprised! karl and i have been friends for almost 18 years and have spent a lot of time talking art, music, books and of course, movies. plus, karl got me into bukowski. i'll never forget that! karl is a working actor here in austin. he's been in a lot of tv shows and movies. he was recently in a movie that got a lot of attention at the festivals over the last year called, "strings". i just saw it and it's amazing. it also stars one of our former guests, billy harvey. anyway, i'm really glad i got to sit down with karl and talk. i hope you enjoy it. i did.
ciao! -jg

Episode 80: John Pointer

Monday Jun 25, 2012

Monday Jun 25, 2012

hey everyone! i hope you're doing well. sorry for the unannounced week off. i left town for the weekend a couple of weeks ago and came back feeling totally under the weather and i got behind on skyrocket! stuff then had a bunch of gigs. anyway, i'm back! did you miss me? i missed you. i realized last week how much i need this podcast. how i need to reach out and talk to my peers and talk to you guys. it keeps me sane in a world gone mad. sao, thank you for listening.
you know what else keeps me sane? playing music with my dear friends. tonight, i'll be doing just that! tonight i'll be playing with my dear old friend, einar pedersen and three of my friends who have been guests on this show, todd, wolfson, aj vallejo and dony wynn! if you live in austin, you should come out it's tonight, monday, june 25th at 8pm at monkey nest on burnet rd. it's going to be a great time with old friends sharing music together. come out and get down with us!
my guest for episode 80 is talented multi-instrumentalist/arranger/beatboxer/stage actor/singer/songwriter and now the head honcho of, john pointer. i met john over a decade ago when we had the same distributer and our bands at the time played their christmas party. anyway, since then, john and i have written together, performed together and he wrote all of the beautiful string arrangements for my last album, "el payaso". john and i got together for lunch a couple of weeks ago at a loud sports bar and talked about a cappella music, beatboxing, rockstar spernova, becoming a stage actor, starting and much, much more. i hope you enjoy our conversation. i did.
ciao! -jg

Thursday Jun 14, 2012

hey friends! i hope you're well. i went to a fantastic comedy show last night at the beauty ballroom here in austin. chris cubas, this girl named maggie, my friend, jake flores and a few others performed. i highly recommend jake and chris. they are really fucking funny. they have their thing down. naturals. check these guys out, they're really funny! right now i'm getting my shit together to fly out to san diego this afternoon to spend the weekend with my girlfriend, jessi and to go to her art opening. i am really excited to spend some time with jessi and to run around san diego with her. i'll fill you in on it next week.
my guest for episode 79 is funny man and fellow podcaster, charlie hodge! charlie is the prolific host of the popular, "hodgecast" podcast. charlie was on the dudley and bob morning show here in austin for a few years, then was the host of "the halftime show". both were on KLBJ. i've know charlie for like 10 years. i've always liked him and been a fan of his sense of humor and point of view. his intelligence mixed with fantastic wiener jokes has always made me laugh out loud. on this podcast we talk about his voice, how he got into the biz, his experience at KLBJ, the future of radio, prometheus and much more. all the while making me laugh out loud. go find out about charlie, where he'll be and the hodgecast at i hope you enjoy our conversation. i sure did. always a good time with charlie hodge!
ciao! -jg

Episode 78: Ruby Jane

Tuesday Jun 12, 2012

Tuesday Jun 12, 2012

hello everyone! i hope you're well. i've been working on some music this week before i head out to my girlfriend, jessi's art opening in san diego this weekend. i'm really looking forward to seeing her and being at the show! i haven't spent much time in san diego. i'm going to have to look some stuff up and find some local cuisine with some spectacular views. if you have any suggestions, let me know. also, if you have any suggestions, comments, problems, praise or criticisms at all, please write us at while you're at it, don't forget to "like" us on facebook and follow me on twitter, @johnnygoudie
my guest for episode 78 is the phenomenon known as ruby jane. i first heard ruby's music from my friend/enemy, todd wolfson. he directed a video for her song, "wake up" which can be found with a lot of other great videos on her youtube page ruby is an incredibly talented and accomplished musician for someone who just graduated high school last week! she's toured with asleep at the wheel and willie nelson. she played at the grand ole opry when she was only 10 and at the ryman theater with marty stuart. she's about to release a solo album next tuesday called, "celebrity" she'll be playing a release show and she'll be going on tour this summer. you get her album and find out where she's playing by going to i had a great time drinking her mom's iced tea and sitting outside in the shade getting to know ruby. i hope you have a great time listening.
ciao! -jg

Wednesday Apr 11, 2012

today's episode is sponsored by: The 7th Annual Marijuana Law for Musicians and DWI Law for Social Drinkers Monday, April 16th, 2012, at the Mohawk, Austin. 8-9pm. Free.
hello everyone! i am staying with two of my dogs for the next two weeks. they are both nudging my hands while i type this. i just realized that i think they're jealous because they think i'm petting this computer, which coincidentally, is their only rival for my attention. i wish jessi and beni would come back. i don't talk about it much on the podcast but i miss the hell out of them. they'll be back in august. thank god.
don't forget! if you're in austin, i'll be playing this sunday at hotel vegas at 7 pm opening for my friend, danny malone who plays at 8.
my guest for episode 60 is my dear friend and the amazingly talented, alexandra valenti! alexandra directed my videos for "back of a magazine" and "you can't pretend forever" (which she is in as well.) as well as the artwork for my album "el payaso" and tons of other bands... i met alexandra around 8 or 9 years ago through friends. they thought we would be great friends... they were right. i was glad alexandra was able to come by the apartment and talk to me about growing up in washington as the daughter of one of washington and hollywood's biggest influence peddlers, college at berkley, disappointing hollywood scriptwriting experience, lying her way into cool jobs assisting amazing photographers, video directing, album cover making, photography, art for art's sake and of course, the urban chicken movement. check out alexandra's work here i always have a good time with alexandra. i think you can tell. i hope you enjoy our conversation. i sure did.
ciao! -jg

Episode 56: Billy Harvey

Wednesday Mar 28, 2012

Wednesday Mar 28, 2012

hello everyone! i have had a very interesting week. the last album i put out, "el payaso", has been lost in some legal issues with the label that put it out. the legal issues were internal because of a soured partnership. anyway, the legal issues were worked out and i got the masters back and 600 copies. i am so excited!!!! i loved that album and felt like the timing, label-wise, was terrible. now i have it back. i can sell it at shows. i don't really know what all i will do with it. but the possibilities are very exciting to me. also, i will be playing a solo this sunday at hotel vegas in austin. come and buy one there!!! if you're in austin, here's the info...
johnny goudie solo show - 7pm sunday, april 1st - hotel vegas- 1500 East 6th Street - opening for danny malone
my guest for episode 56 is one of my favorite musicians/funny people, billy harvey. billy moved to l.a. a few years ago and so it was nice to get together and catch-up! i found out he was in town from someone on facebook saying they were going to his show. i got in touch with him and he came by the apartment before his show. i'm glad we got to sit down and catch-up. we talked about being socially awkward, moving around a lot, his first bands, the l.a. hard rock scene, playing guitar and producing several acts including, bob schneider, charlie mars and many more, making a documentary film with the camera on his laptop, working hard as an actor and making two full-length films. you can find billy on facebook and you can see his very entertaining website i'm glad billy got to stop by. i really enjoyed our conversation. i hope you do too.
ciao! -jg

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