how did i get here?

Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
hello people! i hope you're all doing well. i've been playing a lot this week with skyrocket.we played last night (monday) we don't normally play corporate parties during the week, but this week, we have two which is great. the one we played last night had a mechanical bull. it was an insurance company, so there were about 6 people who rode it during the six hour party. a mechanical bull really seems a lot easier to ride when you're watching people do it... much harder when you do it yourself. i've ridden one before. my aunt actually got married during the "urban cowboy" craze and had one at their wedding. i think me and my friends monopolized it. i was guest for episode 216 is videographer, dave prewitt. you can find dave's work by going to i've been friends with him since the early 90's when he had two extremely popular access tv music shows, "rawtime" and "capzeyez". i watched those shows every chance i had. i was on the shows a few times and always had a blast. anyway, dave did tons of interviews with locals bands, national touring bands and he was the last person to interview bill hicks. dave has always been involved with exposing people to new music and helping bands get "out there" in front of people. you can see a lot of his work if you go to i enjoyed hearing the stories of access and how he's transitioned to the internet age. i'm sure you will too. ciao! -jg

Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
today's episode is sponsored by: The 7th Annual Marijuana Law for Musicians and DWI Law for Social Drinkers Monday, April 16th, 2012, at the Mohawk, Austin. 8-9pm. Free.
hello everyone! i am staying with two of my dogs for the next two weeks. they are both nudging my hands while i type this. i just realized that i think they're jealous because they think i'm petting this computer, which coincidentally, is their only rival for my attention. i wish jessi and beni would come back. i don't talk about it much on the podcast but i miss the hell out of them. they'll be back in august. thank god.
don't forget! if you're in austin, i'll be playing this sunday at hotel vegas at 7 pm opening for my friend, danny malone who plays at 8.
my guest for episode 60 is my dear friend and the amazingly talented, alexandra valenti! alexandra directed my videos for "back of a magazine" and "you can't pretend forever" (which she is in as well.) as well as the artwork for my album "el payaso" and tons of other bands... i met alexandra around 8 or 9 years ago through friends. they thought we would be great friends... they were right. i was glad alexandra was able to come by the apartment and talk to me about growing up in washington as the daughter of one of washington and hollywood's biggest influence peddlers, college at berkley, disappointing hollywood scriptwriting experience, lying her way into cool jobs assisting amazing photographers, video directing, album cover making, photography, art for art's sake and of course, the urban chicken movement. check out alexandra's work here i always have a good time with alexandra. i think you can tell. i hope you enjoy our conversation. i sure did.
ciao! -jg

Thursday Dec 29, 2011
Thursday Dec 29, 2011
WOW! 2011, what a year! this strange episode is an overview of 2011 in pop culture (or poop culture). i got to talk to talk to two music critics, Andy Langer (Esquire magazine, d.j. on KGSR 93.3) and Richard Skanse (Lone Star Music Magazine) about the year's best albums. A film critic, Eric Rudolphy (my cousin) about the year's best films. my lovely girlfriend, Jessi Clayton (amazing artist), reflects on the loss of Steve Jobs. two of my aunts and my grandmother look back at 2011. there is also a round-table discussion at IHOP looking back at 2011 with my good friends, Todd V. Wolfson and Roy Fredricks. i had a great time talking to everyone yesterday but the the show, as an undertaking, was exhausting and dizzying. i hope you enjoy it. i'd like to thank all of my guests for taking the time to talk to me.
also, as 2011 draws to a close, i would like to thank my girlfriend jessi for her total support and helping clean up when a guest is coming over. thanks to jessica who has just come on-board to make this bigger and better. i would like to thank all of the guests that have come to my apartment or met me for breakfast and opened-up and were honest with me about their feelings and who they are and trusted me. mostly, i have to thank you for listening and sharing with your friends and helping us make this grow. i have had an amazing few months getting to spend time with and probe the minds of, people that inspire me. i hope that we can take this podcast to as many people as possible. i hope that the fans of the artists and my fellow musicians draw some sort of insight and inspiration from these conversations as well. i hope you all have an amazing 2012 and THANK YOU for an amazing 2011!
ciao! -jg

Friday Dec 02, 2011
Friday Dec 02, 2011
i hear they're banning free toys with fast-food meals. who is taking away the fun of living????? no wonder kids are lame nowadays. is there someone i can write? is it these fucking birkenstock fools? who ever you are, STOP! you are creating a nation of medicated pussy-children!!!! bring back playing outside. please!
hi! how are you? i can't believe it's already december. it's time to make holiday plans (or if you're organized, they're made.), shop (or if you're organized...) and give. speaking of giving... my friend, shane "the rock and roll dentist" matt, just put together a christmas album called, "holiday haam jam". buying the album benefits H.A.A.M. (Health Alliance for Austin Musicians), which is austin's extremely unique organization that provides low-cost healthcare for musicians. find out more about H.A.M.M. and BUY the album, "holiday haam jam" by going to
my guest for episode 28 is director/photographer, andrew shapter. i've known and known of, andrew for years and years but i've never gotten to sit down and talk to him at length. i am really glad i did. andrew made a beautiful movie called, "before the music dies" a documentary inspired by a conversation about music with his musician brother just before his untimely passing. it's basically about the death of the "old" music business and what musicians are doing to adapt. it's narrated by forest whitaker and stars, erykah badu, doyle bramhall II, elvis costello, dave matthews, ?uestlove, steve poltz and my liars & saints bandmate, kacy crowley. it's an eye-opening and inspiring film. you should watch it. i hope you enjoy my conversation with andrew, i did. to find out more about andrew, go to
thank you for listening. ciao! -jg